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What We Do

Putting on a Westmont production is, well… quite a production!  During a normal school year, these are some of the activities where TABS helps.

  • Sewing costumes (from putting on buttons to following a pattern)

  • Publicity – asking our friendly local businesses to display posters and flyers

  • Assisting at the Box Office

  • Concessions for performances – donating items; coordinating volunteers

  • Tech Week meals – donating food and drinks; coordinating meals for our crew and cast

  • Supervising students (the technical theatre students may need to work the odd evening when performers aren’t on stage)

In addition to helping with Westmont productions, TABS also helps with many other department activities.  These often include:

  • Driving / chaperoning field trips

  • Providing scholarships for students to attend events - such as the California State Thespian Festival

  • Fundraising

  • Purchasing equipment for the theatre department

For details on how to help, see our Get Involved pages.

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